
refCount and altCount matrixes are everywhere zero

elimereu opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Jean,

I'm still at the initial phase of file preparation and it's weird that for several chromosomes I'm not getting any counts (counts=0) during the run of the function getSnpMats. That happens in both ref and alt, even though the coverage is not always zero. Do you think that is possible?

My VCF file is from Whole Genome Sequencing, so I expect all there are many more variants in the VCF than in bam files. I wanted to restrict to only axons but running these commands

txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
exons <- exons(txdb)

withinRange <- function(rng)
function(x) x
filters <- FilterRules(list(isSNV = isSNV, withinRange = withinRange(exons)))

filt.vcf <- filterVcf(vcfFile, "hg19", "HaplotypeCaller_PASS_dbSNP_annot.vcf.bgz",index = TRUE ,filters=filters, verbose=TRUE)

didn't work on my VCF file. So, given I'm not usually working with VCF finally I used the entire VCF at the end.

Any suggestions is really appreciated.



Hi Jean,

thanks for these suggestions. I double checked with IGV and finally I saw the problem was related to the creation of the GenomicsRanges object, because the metadata information from the VCF (ALT, REF etc..) was missing.

Thanks a lot,
