SimpleMetroArcGauge stays empty on android 5.1.1
rwijngaa opened this issue · 6 comments
I created a SimpleMetroArcGauge but this is shown blank on Android. It does however show on the desktop and IPhoneSimulator. I (retro lambda ) compiled 'org.jfxtras:jfxtras-gauge-linear:8.0-r5-SNAPSHOT' to get a Java 7 version that would work on Android.
i use org.javafxports:jfxmobile-plugin:1.0.7 and 'org.jfxtras:jfxtras-controls:8.0-r5-SNAPSHOT'
This are my android options:
android {
manifest = 'src/android/AndroidManifest.xml'
dexOptions {
javaMaxHeapSize = '2048m'
I'm currently trying to get my JFXtras/Android environment working again; but VMware and Windows10 are not playing along nicely anymore. VMWare is refusing the connect the Android tablet to the guest. So I cannot reproduce it ATM.
Actually, a 'blank screen' could mean many things.
Run this on command line:
adb logcat -v threadtime
and have a look at the console. You should find either an exception or a Sigsegv. If it is an exception, you will find an explanation for the issue.
If you don't find a solution, post here that output so we can help
I have just verified that the gauge works on my Nexus 7 (1st generation - Android 5.1.1). Even the animation is smooth. So it is not JFXtras nor Android that is causing your problems.
I have closed the issue, because it does not seem to be JFXtras related. You may still post more info, so we can help.
Yes it works now!. Doing a "adb logcat -v threadtime" showed me that i had a typo in my
AndroidManifest.xml (main.class). Thanks for all the help though and sorry to have wasted your time