
"CalledProcessError" when query "LDV energy by primary fuel"

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when querying "LDV energy by primary fuel" with

conn.runQuery([i for i in queries if i.title == "LDV energy by primary fuel"][0])

The following error occured:

Other queries work well (Besides, the "LDV" query works fine in the interactive mode).

The query for "LDV energy by primary fuel" is this (which is copied from the main_query.xml file)

       <region name="China" />
        <supplyDemandQuery title="LDV energy by primary fuel">
               <axis1 name="Primary Fuel">input[@name]</axis1>
               <axis2 name="Year">demand-physical[@vintage]</axis2>
               <xPath buildList="true" dataName="input" group="true" sumAll="false"><![CDATA[
               declare function local:append-heirarchy($parent as node(), $append as node()*) as node() {
	       	 		 let $scn := $parent/ancestor::scenario,
	       			   	  $rgn := $parent (: /ancestor::region :)
	       			   	  document { element scenario {
	       			 						element region {
	       	 		 (: I can get by with just the scenario and region
	       			 let $new_node := element {local-name($parent)} {$parent/@*, $append} 	
	       	 		 if(local-name($parent) != 'scenario')
	       	 		 then local:append-heirarchy($parent/parent::*, $new_node)
	       	 		 else document { $new_node } :)
	       	 	 declare function local:trace-inputs($outputName as xs:string, $currTree as node(), $outputs as node()*, $is_usa as xs:boolean) as node()* {
	       			if( exists(index-of(('biomass',
'traded unconventional oil', 'regional corn for ethanol', 'regional biomassOil', 'regional sugar for ethanol', 'regional sugarbeet for ethanol'),
$outputName)) or not($currTree/*[@type='sector' and @name=$outputName]) or sum($outputs//text()) < 0.001)
if(not($is_usa) and string-length($currTree/@name) = 2) then
local:trace-inputs($outputName, $currTree/parent::*/*[@type='region' and @name='USA'], $outputs, true())
element input {
	       						attribute name {$outputName},
	       						attribute type {'input'},
	       			let $useOutputs := $currTree//output-primary[@type='output' and @name=$outputName]/physical-output,
	       			    $sectorSums := for $out in $useOutputs
						   let $currInputs := $out/../following-sibling::input-energy/demand-physical[@vintage=$out/@vintage]
							for $currInput in $currInputs
						        element sectorSum {
							        attribute name { $currInput/../@name},
								attribute year { $currInput/@vintage},
							element output-sum {
								text { $out }
							element input-sum {
								text { $currInput }
				   return for $sector in distinct-values($sectorSums/@name)
	       			       return local:trace-inputs($sector, $currTree, for $out in $outputs
	       								      let $totalOutputSum := sum($useOutputs[@vintage=$out/@vintage]),
	       								      $inputSum := sum($sectorSums[@name=$sector and @year=$out/@vintage]/input-sum)
	       								      where $inputSum > 0
	       								      return element { local-name($out) } {
	       										text{ $out * ($inputSum
	       											     div $totalOutputSum) }
	       								      }, $is_usa)
		declare function local:run-input-by-primary($scenarios as xs:string*, $regions as xs:string*, $collection as xs:string) as node()* { 	
			 	 unordered { 	
			 	 let $regionsG := if(not($regions[1] = 'Global'))
			 	 		  then $regions
			 	 		  else distinct-values(collection($collection)/scenario/world/*[@type='region']/@name)
			 	 for $scenario in $scenarios, 	    
			 	 $region in $regionsG 	
			 	 let $scenario_split := tokenize($scenario, ' '), 	    
				 $currTree := collection($collection)/scenario[@name = $scenario_split[1] and @date = $scenario_split[2]]/world/*[@type='region' and @name=$region],
				 $currInputs := $currTree/*[@type='sector' and @name='trn_pass_road']/*[@type='subsector' and @name='LDV']//*[@type='input']
				    for $inputName in distinct-values($currInputs/@name)
				    return local:append-heirarchy($currTree, local:trace-inputs($inputName, $currTree, $currInputs[@name=$inputName]/demand-physical, false()))//text()
		 local:run-input-by-primary((:scenarios:), (:regions:), (:collection:))