
Documentation tasks

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  • Name scripts to indicate some order of running as in https://github.com/claudiatebaldi/hectorcal/tree/master/data-raw/ESM_processing_code it is somewhat hard because there is python and R code that needs to be run for the different variables, but we will want to make sure that it is really clear what order scripts need to be run in and how any scripts that are dependent on another one are stated somewhere.
  • Add read me to describe the contents of a directory does it contain a subdirectory full of data generated by some script? What does the processing scripts do?
  • Add text to the beginning of each script to state the objective of the script it doesn’t need to be as formal as the header included here https://github.com/JGCRI/Emissions-MIP_Data/blob/main/code/summary_plots_diff.R, but something to indicate who authored the code, when it was written, and the overall objective would be really helpful. Feel free to reuse the description of the scripts from the read-me files.