
RGCAM package issues

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi rgcam team,
Our collaborators had a recent error related to parsing the database that was R package-related. When the addScenario() command was run, the following was output:
Scenario GCAMC does not exist in this project. Creating.
Scenario GCAMCAN_pr does not exist in this project. Creating.
Scenario GCAMCAN_prov_Ref does not exist in this project. Creating.
Scenario MB does not exist in this project. Creating.
Warning message: 1: One or more parsing issues, see problems() for details
2. 2 failed to parse

For reference, the only scenario being ran here is GCAMCAN_prov_Ref, yet multiple non-existent scenarios were output during parsing. Additionally, the resulting output tables had erroneous outputs that included a mix of both scenario names and data (i.e. this screenshot):

This error was resolved by adjusting the version of readr (from 2.1.0 to 1.4.0) through modifying a renv lock file. Just wanting to flag this for future users who run into this conflict.

Resolved by editing the version of readr from 2.1.0 to 1.4.0 using renv lock file change

Resolved by editing the version of readr from 2.1.0 to 1.4.0 using renv lock file change

Hi, I'm wondering how to do this? I have no idea of using renv lock file change. Thank you!