Team Shoplist
Georgia Tech Coding Bootcamp Full Stack Web Development Project #1 #Our Team
- Garrett Collinson
- Taylor Yao
- Isaac Motley
What does our project do?
Our project is designed for the user to make a shopping list that includes the total price of the items that they add through text boxes.
This includes the name of the item, the number of items, and the category that the item belongs to.
There will also be a graph for the prices of the items added.
The user also has the option of using Google Maps to find the nearest grocery store.
Project Sketches / Links
API's, New tech & Things We Know Already
This Project uses the following:
- Wal-Mart API for item prices
- Google Maps API for local grocery stores
- Plotly.js for the item price graph
- Bootstrap for CSS/HTML frameworks
- Jquery for adding to the DOM
Who is doing what?
Garrett is taking on
- The API logic
- Certain parts of Jquery Logic
Taylor is taking on
- The Front-end aspects such as HTML and CSS
- Jquery Logic for adding up unit price(s)
Isaac is taking on
- Jquery logic for adding to the DOM
- User input validation
- Possible GitHub issues