
Installing charm-dev on Ubuntu python3.8 HELP!

Rabieh07 opened this issue · 3 comments

Iam trying to compile charm-dev on Ubuntu using python 3.8. After I did sudo make install, I cannot run benchmark_test.py. The problem seems to me in charm.core.math.integer. The following is exactly the error I have,. Any help is appreciated

username@ubuntu:~/charm/charm-dev/charm/test/benchmark$ python3 benchmark_test.py
ERROR: module load failed!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "benchmark_test.py", line 4, in
from charm.core.math.integer import *
SystemError: initialization of integer failed without raising an exception

Try running sudo ldconfig after finishing the installation.

@nikosft @Rabieh07 I had a similar issue and I had to downgrade to Python 3.7.

Looks like Python 3.8 and above does not like the arguments of a C extension function to be declared as METH_O | METH_NOARGS in integermodule.c. This ultimately caused the initialisation of the Python object to fail silently and without error messages.

I have created a pull request for this.