
"make test" returns too many errors

UIT-20521672 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to install charm on Kali Linux, my python version is Python 3.10.4.
I have installed the dependencies: GMP 5.x, PBC, OPENSSL.

After that, I ran "./configure.sh" and "make install". The two command ran without any errors.
But then I ran "make test" and it returned too many errors.


Same here on Ubuntu. It seems to me Charm is no longer maintained.

I managed to install charm on Ubuntu with PBC as the chosen math libraries by following this tutorial.

Despite following the above tutorial, I also had to install the following dependencies: libssl-dev, flex and bison. With this steps I installed Charm in Ubuntu for WSL, in a RPI4 running Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, and on a RPI0 running Raspbian Stretch.

I'm sorry for not being able to provide more insight for Kali. I hope these steps help 😄.

Just in case someone finds this in the future, I'd say better use something more portable like pyenv.
Something like the following did the job for me

pyenv install 3.7.5
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
pyenv global 3.7.5
git clone https://github.com/JHUISI/charm
cd charm
make install
make test

python=3.7 and pyparsing=2.4.0 will be ok