Inventory Manager

Initial Screen



An application use to store inventory data for just about any item. The database for this application is a simple text file where all the inventories are stored and comma separated (similar to a csv file). Using the Tkinter library, the image below it the initial view creeated when the applicatio is executed

Two separate applications are developed for this iventory management system, one which is the and the other a program

How to get started:

  • - This is the main application where all the CRUD functionalities are implemented
  • - This is a class used within for creating objects for every items stored in the inventory

How to run the application

( Execution through the Terminal e.g. cmd, powershell, or bash)


Features (CRUD)

  • Create - Add a new entry into the Inventory database

Add New Item

Saved Item

  • Read - Load the database into the application and search for any given item based on it Item Number Load Inventory

  • Update - Search for any given item and update its record in the inventory Search

  • Delete - Delete any given record from the inventory, and update the database Delete Delete&Confirm

Storage and Database

The database feature is a simple Write, Read, Update, and Delete to/from a text file. This could be further developed into using SQlite, MongoDB or any other SQL Database system