Support Kotlin 1.4 with ktlint 0.38.0
bjoernmayer opened this issue · 7 comments
Version 0.38.0 of ktlint brings support for Kotlin 1.4.
Do you plan to release a new version ktlint-gradle supporting the new ktlint version?
you could set ktlint version via extension property:
should work as well.
Doing that already:
ktlint {
A released version of ktlint-gradle supporting 1.4 would still be nice though
The plugin doesn't work with Kotlin 1.4.0 for me – I've tried versions 9.2.1 and 9.3.0. I've set ktlint version to 0.38.1:
ktlint {
disabledRules.set(setOf("import-ordering", "no-wildcard-imports"))
I get the folowing error:
> Task :module:ktlintKotlinScriptCheck FAILED
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: FUN_KEYWORD
at com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.<clinit>(ElementType.kt:154)
at com.pinterest.ktlint.ruleset.experimental.SpacingAroundAngleBracketsRule.<clinit>(SpacingAroundAngleBracketsRule.kt:94)
at com.pinterest.ktlint.ruleset.experimental.ExperimentalRuleSetProvider.get(ExperimentalRuleSetProvider.kt:18)
at com.pinterest.ktlint.KtlintCommandLine.loadRulesets(Main.kt:550)
at com.pinterest.ktlint.Main.main(Main.kt:62)
Is it possible that not all com.pinterest.ktlint
dependencies are set to the selected version?
See also: pinterest/ktlint#876. I honestly don't know where is the problem: in ktlint
or ktlint-gradle
Found the issue:
- ktlint-gradle adds
configuration that is used to pull ktlint itself - when project are still using kotlin 1.3.+ this is leaked into
configuration leading to usage of incompatible kotlin version.
I am looking how to fix it, workaround would be either:
- use ktlint version < 0.38.+
- update your project to use Kotlin 1.4.+
Actually after further investigation in affected project I found out following gradle configuration that forcing kotlin version for all configurations:
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
eachDependency {
// Force Kotlin to our version
if ( == "org.jetbrains.kotlin") {
This enforces kotlin version also for ktlint
configuration that is created by plugin to dynamically add ktlint and leads to errors running ktlint 0.38+ versions.
To avoid it you should exclude ktlint*
configurations from kotlin version enforcement.
Hi @Tapchicoma!
Can you provide small example how to exclude ktlint*
configurations from kotlin version enforcement?
@alex-t0 something like this should work:
configurations.all {
if(!name.startsWith("ktlint")) {
resolutionStrategy {
eachDependency {
// Force Kotlin to our version
if ( == "org.jetbrains.kotlin") {