Change Background Color of ContentView
ranjitk-plackal opened this issue · 2 comments
ranjitk-plackal commented
I was trying to change background color of contentView on right swipe, and I was able to do it. Now when swipe it again , I want to change it back to white color.So can you throw some light on how to do it.
On long rightSwipe , I changed background color of contentView, before releasing my touch, if I take it back and release , I want the color of ContentView to be changed to white.
JLZ commented
I just added a new optional delegate method:
- (void)swipeCell:(JZSwipeCell *)cell swipeTypeChangedFrom:(JZSwipeType)from to:(JZSwipeType)to
Just implement this method to receive messages when ever the contentView transitions into a swipe zone. This is a nice addition to the library and should solve your issue.
ranjitk-plackal commented