
Inter-DOOM mouse-look option

Meerschweinmann opened this issue · 2 comments


Inter-Heretic and Inter-Hexen both have a mouse-look option in "control-settings".
To use mouse-look in Inter-DOOM i assign a key for the mouse-look toggle under key-bindings and press that key once, or edit the config file.

That was never a problem, because i have a backup of my config-files that i copy in the folder, but for newcomers or the sake of equality Inter-DOOM should handle it like the other both games.

Good evening! 🙂

It wasn't previously added because of one extra line will be slightly placed on sacred status bar:

But I still can move up this whole menu one line up, just like it is done with Display options. Will merge changes soon.

That would be a sin to touch the sacred status bar :)