This allows you to create dynamic charts while using Chart.JS, I plan to allow the user to swap all variables that's required with Chart.js. It currently has no major bugs, from personal testing, I've seen that it even works in IE8, although I've written it in vanilla JavaScript, you can also use jQuery with it.
This file is used just to demonstrate the DynamicChartJS.js file in work.
This file is used just to demonstrate the DynamicChartJS.js file in work.
This file is used just to demonstrate the DynamicChartJS.js file in work. With two charts on the same canvas.
This file is used just to demonstrate the DynamicChartJS.js file in work. With two charts on the same canvas.
This file is used to actually allow for dynamic charts.
This is just a copy of Chart.js.
I appreciate it's not yet perfect, however, I will continue to work on it when I can, I've recently been noticing silly little typos and mistakes with my coding documentation. So while correcting any silly mistakes with my documentation, I will also look to improve and extend this JS implementation. Thanks to it using just vanilla JS, this means that it doesn’t need any framework or major library, all it needs it chart js, which I take no credit for, all credit for Chart JS should go to Nick Downie. I would only like to take credit for the file DynamicChart.js.
I've added a better level of code documentation, you can compile it using jsDocs, additionally, I've added a bit of extra support for IE9, as well as including classList.min.js
I will continue to maintain this code and expand on it when I can, I know there's still a lot more potential that could be included in this application. I also plan on trying to eliminate as many bugs as possible, even if it means including other developer's code, such as classList.min.js, it's pointless to reinvent the wheel.