
Final Project for Info Retrieval // Search Engines, initial attempt at building a search system on a corpus of sampled tech-job listings

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Final Project for Info Retrieval // Search Eng., attempt at building job search system

Repo Map

  • Most importantly, our end-product script is in the included jobs-engine.zip file, with its own ReadMe regarding script usage. This zip also contains the necessary data for using the ipynb files described below.
  • docs contains final paper and a results spreadsheet breaking down performance by mean-average precision per parameter combination fed into ranking algorithm
  • NERS_Gen.ipynb Generates and outputs custom entity-recognition model
  • GroundTruth_Eval.ipynb facillitates performance evaluation for relevance / ranking algorithm relative to subset human-annotated for different queries
  • BM25_FullData.ipynb is the notebook form of our end-product providing search functionality

Rebuild Considerations

  • Due to inexperience with IR systems, errors were made regarding underspecific queries used for manual annotation. Redo annotation process with greater emphasis on intended filter affordances.
  • Design a proper front-end for testing/deployability
  • Retain the BM25 approach at first and focus on prefiltering affordances
  • Expand NERS training data, possibly build a UI so less technnical individuals could assist (potential side project)