
compatibility with dirac bracket

zhyiyu opened this issue · 0 comments

There is a package called physics which has a command \mel**{n}{\grande}{m} that adjusts the height of the vertical lines and the angled bracket very nicely, I would like to use it to produce following effect

$\mathcal{M}_{\hat{s}} \sim \wick{\mel**{\c2{k} , \c1{k}'}{\c3{\overline{\psi}}_x \c4{\psi}_x \c2{\overline{\psi}}_y \c1{\psi}_y}{\c4{p} , \c3{p}'}}$

But it did not work, could you please kindly consider this as a future feature that simpler wick would support?

In the meantime, I figured out a way where you could go around this issue

$\mathcal{M}_{\hat{s}} \sim \mel**{0}{\wick{\c2{a}_{k} \c1{a}_{k'} \c3{\overline{\psi}}_x \c4{\psi}_x \c2{\overline{\psi}}_y \c1{\psi}_y \c4{a}^{\dag}_{p} \c3{a}^{\dag}_{p'}}}{0}$