Wrong jsonschema requirement in PyPi

vinci1it2000 opened this issue · 5 comments

Why is it wrong?

You have not any limitation in the setup file, but when it is installed from PyPI it downgrades the jsonschema to 2.6.0. Moreover, this version is icompatible with pandalone that requires jsonschema >=3.0.0.

The latest sources in wltp repo are not released yet because the project is not ready. The only release in PyPiv is the old code (~2014 GTR).

The old wltp depend on jsonschema-2.x.
The new (unreleased) on 3.x.

Pandalone has 2 active releases, one for 0.2 and another for 0.3.

So make sure you have this boundaries as co2mpas dependency [edit: pandalone pinning was missing]:

  • wltp < 1
  • panmdalone < 0.3

This will pick the correct pandalone.

@ankostis can you check what you wrote? the latest version of wltp is 0.1.2a0 so if we put wltp < 1 doesn't change anything.

You're right.
I forgot that wltp < 1 did not depend on pandalone at all, so you have to set also the boundary for pandalone < 0.3 in co2mpas:setup.py.