
From an Angular app to an Universal app

ardiadrianadri opened this issue · 0 comments

Session Title: From an Angular app to an Universal app

Session Abstract:
Isomorphic apps are the best solution for SEO if you have an SPA web app. The isomorphic solution for Angular is Angular Universal. How ever, What happen if I already have an Angular app? How can I migrate an Angular app to an Universal app? What kind of thing I have to consider to do it?
In this session I'm going to answer all these questions

Approximate Duration:
60 min

Your Name: Adrian Ferreres Esteller

Your Twitter handle:* ardiadrianadri


[X ] No
[ ] Yes => Please share what do you need.


[ ] Advanced

[ X] Intermediate
[ ] Beginner

Other information:
It would be necessary a minimum knowledge of Angular to follow this talk