
Uncaught ReferenceError: Solver is not defined

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I would like to use jsLPSolver locally in a browser, not running Node.js. I'm using the line from the 'in browser through CDN' section of the Install section of the README.

I tried the exact example in the "Use" section, but get the error Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined. It looks like the require.js library might offer a workaround for that, for those not using Node.js. But then I found an example without using require() from JWally. However when I run that in the script shown below, I get the error Uncaught ReferenceError: Solver is not defined in my console.

How can I resolve this? Feels like I'm missing something fundamental.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/javascript-lp-solver/prod/solver.js"></script>
var solver = new Solver,
    model = {
    optimize: "profit",
    opType: "max",
    constraints: {
        "Costa Rican" : {max: 200},
        "Etheopian": {max: 330}
    variables: {
        "Yusip": {"Costa Rican" : 0.5, "Etheopian": 0.5, profit: 3.5},
        "Exotic": {"Costa Rican" : 0.25, "Etheopian": 0.75, profit: 4}

results = solver.solve(model);

Yes, require is for node (or bundlers). You don't need it when using the CDN. When using the CDN, solver is a global so you don't have to require it. Try this:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/javascript-lp-solver/prod/solver.js"></script>
var results,
    model = {
    optimize: "profit",
    opType: "max",
    constraints: {
        "Costa Rican" : {max: 200},
        "Etheopian": {max: 330}
    variables: {
        "Yusip": {"Costa Rican" : 0.5, "Etheopian": 0.5, profit: 3.5},
        "Exotic": {"Costa Rican" : 0.25, "Etheopian": 0.75, profit: 4}

results = solver.Solve(model);

Thank you @redblobgames and sorry for the very long delay in my response. That solved my issue and got it working.