wakatime wakatime

This is a repository for code for competitive programming such as AtCoder and LeetCode.

Explanation of the directory structure


  • Directory named ABCxxx is for AtCoder Beginner Contest xxx.
  • Directory named ARCxxx is for AtCoder Regular Contest xxx.
  • Directory named ADT_yyyy_mmdd_time_E/M/H is for AtCoder Daily Training Easy (xxx represents the data and start time of the contest).
    • yyyy is the year of the contest (e.g. 2024).
    • mmdd is the month and day of the contest (e.g. 0513).
    • time is the start time of the contest (e.g. 2100). (JST)
    • E/M/H is the difficulty of the contest (Easy/Medium/Hard).


  • Directory named WCxxx is for LeetCode Weekly Contest xxx.
  • Directory named BCxxx is for LeetCode Biweekly Contest xxx.


  • Directory named test is used for testing simple grammars and functions of C++.

Answer files

  • Code named ***_ans.cpp or ***_ans*.cpp are the copy of the answer code shared by the contest participants as Solution (for LeetCode) or official page of the contest (for AtCoder).