
Digital wallet Script

Primary LanguageJava


Digital wallet | Spring boot

digital wallet project developed by spring boot for use to some company


  • Clean code
  • Modular application
  • Dockerized (Cloud native)
  • Light and open source
  • Use the update technologies
  • Encryption Database field items
  • High security with JWT and Oath and detect Brute force
  • Job Scheduling with MultiThread handling
  • Documentation with swagger and open api
  • Exception handling
  • Data seeder
  • Java 18

Installation and run

  export $PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
  • Second step install IDE

    • Intelij
    • Eclipse
    • Netbeans
  • Just open source Clean and run ( Enjoy 🚀 )

Used By

This project is used by the following companies:

  • Otamin Wallet platform


🚀 About Me

I'm a full stack developer...