
The download link on Linux automatically downloads a Debian package, whether the user wants it or not

Opened this issue · 7 comments

If you click the Download link on the main page, it opens https://www.fosshub.com/JabRef.html and automatically starts downloading the Debian package.

That is a very misguided idea:

  • The user may be using a distro that doesn't use .deb packages. I'm on Fedora so what I'm looking for is the RPM.
  • The user may not even be downloading JabRef for the system they are currently on.
  • The user may want to just copy a direct link to send it to someone or use with wget/curl.
  • The user may be on a metered connection and can end up with a hole in their pocket — everyone should be free to decide when and if they download anything, especially when the package is 200 megabyte large.

I believe that page should just send the user to the fosshub page and not try to force any format on the user at all. If you want to make it easier for inexperienced users to choose the correct package, it should be a list of OSes and links.

P.S. Should it really be on fosshub that has ads when you already have everything in GitHub releases?

Fixed by 3c0b75b

I think the "Download" button should directly start the download, this is quite a common behavior (it doesn't really matter that it goes through fosshub, which is indeed a bit uncommon).

But I agree that the current direct link to deb is misleading. What do you think about the solution of vscode?

And for mac it downlaods a pgk that is in most cases also not wanted

I think the "Download" button should directly start the download,

Only if it is 99% sure what to download. Downloading something unwanted is NOT desired and is IMHO also not a common behavior.

Example: https://code.visualstudio.com/download does NOT start a download for me on Windows. It offers a selection for Linux users: deb or rpm.

I agree that this downloadpage is nice.

We could even only reroute our Windows-Users to Fosshub and keep the Linux and Mac Users on our own page.

For mac we also need to distinguish between dmg, pkg and the x64 and aarch64 variant. Currently it downloads the non-arm variant which in theory works but is much slower than the aarch64 variant and in the end users complain about the performance.

We had another Mac user where the wrong version for the wrong architecture was automatically downloaded, leaving to a crash of JabRef!
It is not acceptable that some random Version gets downloaded and users see crashes.

The UI of "GitButler" homepage is IMHO more lightweight and more clear to me:

Top bar


Download area
