
Feature: Scroll to top

Closed this issue · 8 comments

After reaching the footer, instead of scrolling back up by rotating the mouse wheel or swiping on mobile, we can simply click on the scroll-to-top button.

Describe the solution you'd like
Adding a Scroll to Top Button

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.


Please assign me this
i like to work on this

I have moved this to the correct reop

can i know where ?

It got automatically redirected, the repo is JabRef/Jabref-Online

@bilalmirza74 Try do do it here. - The repo https://github.com/JabRef/JabRefOnline also hosts our web site. There should be some documentation in this repo - or self-explanating.

@bilalmirza74 Please not that the issue does not contain any scientific evidence for such a button. Evidence can be en empirical "study" on web pages offering that feature, papers describing it, or listing prominent web pages. Thus, it could be that the main maintainer of this repository will reject your PR. Nevertheless, it is a good excessive for contributing to other code and using GitHub.

@koppor Thank you for your feedback, and I appreciate your patience. Upon further reflection, I now understand your concern, and I agree that scientific evidence is indeed crucial for feature decisions. I apologize for any misunderstanding.