
yaml makes text disappear in image

fabpicca opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm new to expose but I already love it.
I have a small issue.
Reading the docs is possible to have some yaml vars in the text including custom variables to be used in a custom template.
Now, I have my text file that looks like this:

`A train to somewhere?

title: new adventures
textcolor: #ffffff

I would expect to see the first line in the image and the part between '---' parsed as yaml.
The results is that no text is displayed in the image.
If I remove the yaml part

A train to somewhere?

I see text as expected in the image.
I also tried removing the custom var "title" but the result is the same, if there's yaml section in the file the text is not displayed in the image.

Am I doing something wrong?

I was struggling with this, until I did this:

in expose.sh (line 506) change:

metaline=$(echo "$text" | grep -n -m 2 -- "^---$" | tail -1 | cut -d ':' -f1)


metaline=$(echo "$text" | grep -n -m 2 -- "^---" | tail -1 | cut -d ':' -f1)

And then create a textfile like so:

top: 30
left: 5
width: 150
height: 120
textcolor: #000000
# Foo 

Dolor site ametttttttttttttt