
video feature problem

WannaSir opened this issue · 2 comments

when i use the following command to extract perception_test video validatioin feature, there is nothing in my OUTPUT_DIR:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6,7 python tools/run_net.py 
--cfg /data/nvme2/dky/lc/TIM/feature_extractors/omnivore/configs/PERCEPTION_TEST/OMNIVORE_feature.yaml \
OUTPUT_DIR /data/hdd/lishenshen/TIMfeature_data/perception_test-feature/val_v \
PERCEPTION.VISUAL_DATA_DIR /data/hdd/lishenshen/TIMframe_data/perception_test-frame/val_v \
PERCEPTION.TEST_LIST /data/nvme2/dky/lc/TIM/annotations/Perception_Test/Perception_Test_1_second_validation_feature_times.pkl \

and the command output is :(cur_iter is from 0 to 296828)

[INFO: logging.py: 76]: json_stats: {"cur_iter": "296824", "eta": "0:00:00", "split": "test_iter", "time_diff": 0.025835} [INFO: logging.py: 76]: json_stats: {"cur_iter": "296825", "eta": "0:00:00", "split": "test_iter", "time_diff": 0.025927} [INFO: logging.py: 76]: json_stats: {"cur_iter": "296826", "eta": "0:00:00", "split": "test_iter", "time_diff": 0.026084} [INFO: logging.py: 76]: json_stats: {"cur_iter": "296827", "eta": "0:00:00", "split": "test_iter", "time_diff": 0.025958} [INFO: logging.py: 76]: json_stats: {"cur_iter": "296828", "eta": "0:00:00", "split": "test_iter", "time_diff": 0.025732} [WARNING: meters.py: 95]: clip count tensor([1, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1]) ~= num clips 1 [WARNING: meters.py: 100]: tensor([1, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1]) WARNING:omnivore.utils.meters:clip count tensor([1, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1]) ~= num clips 1 WARNING:omnivore.utils.meters:tensor([1, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1])

OMG. Thank you very much for reporting this.

There used to be an unknown error that the script only allows to save the features only for Epic and AVE. here

I fixed the problem in current branch now. I apologize for the inconvenience.


OMG. Thank you very much for reporting this.

There used to be an unknown error that the script only allows to save the features only for Epic and AVE. here

I fixed the problem in current branch now. I apologize for the inconvenience.

BW, Jaesung

Thank You.
and there is another problem: error: RuntimeError: Trying to resize storage that is not resizable
when i set NUM_GPUS 2 TEST.BATCH_SIZE 2 ,the command can run but need a lot of time,
when i set NUM_GPUS 2 TEST.BATCH_SIZE 4 or NUM_GPUS 4 TEST.BATCH_SIZE 8, it will be error: RuntimeError: Trying to resize storage that is not resizable
and when i set num_works=0 in configure file:OMNIVORE_feature.yaml , NUM_GPUS 2 TEST.BATCH_SIZE 4 ,it will be error :RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size,but got ......