
Allow (some) punctuation in tags

adiabatic opened this issue · 4 comments

I wanted to tag an activity @games:caverna, but only the @games part was recognized as a tag. Does anyone oppose adding : and - to the regex on line 6 of friends/lib/friends.rb?

I think that seems reasonable to me, @adiabatic. Would you be interested in making a PR for that change?

Just a bit more thinking here—it probably makes sense to allow some punctuation (like : and -) in the middle of a tag, but not at the beginning or end in case someone is recording an activity like @games: I played Caverna today. Does that seem right to folks?

Sounds right to me.

As an aside, I'll definitely do the PR, most likely this week, but I've been busy with other things. Data entry seems to work fine for my current use cases, so I'm not in a rush.

Sounds great! Let me know if you have any questions about how to make the change or add tests for it!