CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
CS221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
CS 20: Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research
Amazon 李沐大神出的《动手学深度学习》
**大学林轩田教授 《机器学习基石上》, 《机器学习基石下》
**大学《Applied Deep Learning/Machine Learning and Having It Deep and Structured》
清华大学的OS课程 ucore,视频在学堂在线和bilibili均有
SICP Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
MIT 6.824 Home Page: Spring 2016
Stanford CS244b: Distributed systems
CMU 15-440/640, Spring 2016: Distributed Systems
普林斯顿在 Coursera 上也公开了两门对应课程:Algorithms, Part I 和 Algorightmsm, Part2
- nand2tetris
- CMU 15-213
- MIT 6.828
- UCB CS61c
- MIT 6.824
- 斯坦福 CS144
- 斯坦福 CS145
- Gate Lectures OS
- Gate Lectures 计网