
Lots of errors on building the doc

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I just forked the repository and builded it and I have over 2000 errors.


I'm not looking into it now cause I want to focus on documentation :)

unfortunally I can't really help you here.. because I'm not building the repo locally atm.. I always upload my changes to see if they work (I know that's not super nice but it worked for me)

I can understand that you focus on documentation, so please just write something and make a pull request or send it to me somehow. I will fix correct the issues then that might occure.
When you worked on the manual for some time I can also add you as a collaborator so that you can change stuff without having to wait for me checking everything.

O nice! That is really helpfull.

hapit commented

I have fixed the build errors.
Most of the errors were from missing pages to menu entries.
I have added the pages with a info box that it has no content.

On every empty page i have added a todo tag.
The todo extension gernerates a page with all the todo tags on the manual:
Not pretty but good for an overview what has to be done.

great job hapit!
I really need internet ar home...