
Doesn't work with Plex

anim8tr opened this issue · 7 comments

Could play a video in other browsers, but tried to play it in Helium and the video just sat there spinning like it was loading, even set to the lowest resolution.

vcao commented

I have the same issue

Same issue here. Would love to have this working!

For what it's worth, I installed Helium 3 (a fork of this project) and it's working well with Plex.

Thanks for the headsup @wrightmf. For anyone looking, Helium 3 appears to be here: https://github.com/slashlos/Helium/. You can find a zip with a compiled binary here: slashlos#6

same issue.

im having the same problem, plex wont play for some reason

Thanks for the headsup @wrightmf. For anyone looking, Helium 3 appears to be here: https://github.com/slashlos/Helium/. You can find a zip with a compiled binary here: slashlos#6

Find Helium (3) at its releases page in DMG format.