
Addition of certification procedures to satisfy the EU GDPR policy.

JaeSeoKim opened this issue · 8 comments

We should not be able to see a card of user which not login a first time and give this consent, also the student can remove this consent at everytime :)

And privacyEmail / privacyName should be false by default and set true only by the concerned student.

Also if an user is BH can he login to remove this consent? but maybe he would like to keep this card or not 🤔

@GlaceCoding afaik as long as the user isn't anonymized, the user should be able to receive their school domain email, so you can verify with that I guess.
If the user gets anonymized, the API wouldn't be able to access their data anyways, so I think it won't be a problem

What if the student is not 42?

I’m sorry for the delay. There was a Covid issue in the middle, so I couldn’t develop it.
Currently, along with the basic StatsBadge, 42, GitHub login and account deletion functions have been implemented.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me what to improve along with the additional functions you need.
jaeskim’s stats badge: https://badge42.vercel.app/api/v2/stats/cl0yx1v0j0158ns5shlllmdvb?cursusId=21

What if the student is not 42?

It is basically a service for 42 students, so it is not subject to service.

I’m sorry for the delay. There was a Covid issue in the middle, so I couldn’t develop it. Currently, along with the basic StatsBadge, 42, GitHub login and account deletion functions have been implemented. I would appreciate it if you could tell me what to improve along with the additional functions you need. https://badge42.vercel.app/ jaeskim’s stats badge: https://badge42.vercel.app/api/v2/stats/cl0yx1v0j0158ns5shlllmdvb?cursusId=21

Don't be sorry, your work is great !

I did some UI comment in the PR #67 (comment)

I’m sorry for the delay. There was a Covid issue in the middle, so I couldn’t develop it. Currently, along with the basic StatsBadge, 42, GitHub login and account deletion functions have been implemented. I would appreciate it if you could tell me what to improve along with the additional functions you need. https://badge42.vercel.app/ jaeskim’s stats badge: https://badge42.vercel.app/api/v2/stats/cl0yx1v0j0158ns5shlllmdvb?cursusId=21

Having a way to display the score of certain projects ( the old [42Project Score] ) would be really neat. Thank you for making this GDPR friendly!