:boy: :girl: Technical-Interview guidelines written for those who started studying programming. I wish you all the best. :space_invader:
- hoilzzseoul
- NESOYSeoul. Korea
- cjh5414
- opklnm102
- pineocRepublic Of Korea
- devinjeonSeoul, Korea
- ShinyeSeoul, South Korea
- YongjaiSeoul, Korea
- wayhome25SEOUL
- pjyi2147
- rrkandala
- v-process
- LethalSun
- SH4CK3RSPangyo, South Korea
- blackturtle2South Korea
- brightparagonSeoul, South Korea
- imjinbro
- kimjunilSeoul
- nayoonhwang
- kyechan99Seoul
- qkraudghghSouth Korea
- binDongKimSeoul,Korea
- zkzofn
- honux77Korea
- RottenPear
- parksangkil
- eaeao
- ors-woon
- kimkevinSeoul, South of Korea
- enoxaimingDaejeon/Ansan
- jojolduSeoul
- nmhkahn
- LuteceSeoul in South Korea
- JiwonYeomSeoul, Korea
- highfencePangyo, Kyunggi Korea
- joshua-qaSeoul