
Basic auth

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Hello, I'm looking for an example to add basicauth for my request I haven't found an example on the net for jaguar_ retrofit if somebody can help me.

Here's is my request for my api but I don't know how can I add header and pass basic auth.

class MyApi  extends ApiClient with _$MyApiClient {

  final resty.Route base;

  @GetReq(path: "json/works")
  Future<List<MyApiObject>> fetchWorks();

  @GetReq(path: "json/editos")
  Future<List<MyApiObject>> fetchEditos();

// My Api Factory
MyApi getMyApi() {

    globalClient = IOClient();
    final repo =
      ..add(UndSerializer()); // Don't forget to add all Serializer

    return MyApi(route(StringResources.MY_API_BASE_URL))..jsonConverter = repo;

Thanks for your help.