
Request for support on FormData

RaghuManickam opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi ,
I have been using this library quite a long time . I face a issue while uploading file so I use dio(formdata) to upload files to fix my current issue . is there any way to upload files in this library.
I have added my dio code snippet and I have added retrofit code also . Please correct me if i am wrongly implemented.

Dio Code:

FormData formData=FormData();
formData.add("image", new UploadFileInfo(image[0], "image.jpg",contentType: ContentType.parse("multipart/form-data")));
formData.add("json", postImageModelToJson(postImageModel));
var response=await"http://xxxx",data: formData,options: Options(headers: {

Retrofit Code:

@PostReq(path: "xxxx")
  Future<StringResponse> savePodDetails(
      @Header("Authorization") String token,
      @AsMultipartField("file") MultipartFile image,
      @AsMultipartField("orderId") MultipartStringFile orderId,
      @AsMultipartField("documentTypeMasterId") MultipartStringFile documentId);

Future<String> onSavePod(File file, String documentId, String orderId) async {
    List<int> bytes = await file.readAsBytes();

    var image = MultiPartImage(file,
        fileName: 'image.jpg', contentType: new MediaType.parse("image/jpeg"));
    await mApiInterface
            await customSharedPrefs.getToken(),
                contentType: new MediaType.parse("image/jpeg"),
                filename: 'file'),
                contentType: new MediaType.parse("text/plain"),
                filename: "orderId"),
                contentType: new MediaType.parse("text/plain"),
                filename: "documentTypeMasterId"))
        .then((str) {
      return Future.value(str.body.toString());
    }).catchError((error) {
      return Future.value(error.toString());

Looks ok to me, what jaguar version do you use ? what's the error ?

Sorry The issue was from my side . I used image/jpeg instead of multipart/form-data. That's why the image didn't upload !