This is the web site at Pull requests accepted!
If you have ideas for the FAQ, check out
You can see this web site locally with python 2 as follows:
$ cd webroot
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
or with python 3:
$ cd webroot
$ python3 -m http.server
Then browse to
This site uses l20n.js v5.0 to translate static html content. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with its rules and syntax before adding content or translations.
- All text section elements must include the
<span data-l10n-id="new-text-section">This is a new section of text</span>
Before adding new translation entries, make sure one does not already exist by checking the app.en-US.ftl
Add new text entries and english translations to
Add the same entries to the remaining translation files
- All html files must include the following in the
<meta name="defaultLanguage" content="en-US">
<meta name="availableLanguages" content="en-US, fr, ja, nl, de, es, sr, pt-BR, tr">
<link rel="localization" href="./locales/app.{locale}.ftl">
<script defer src="./js/l20n.min.js"></script>
- Add the two character locale code to the following meta element in all existing html files
<meta name="availableLanguages" content="en-US, fr, ja, nl, de, es, sr, pt-BR, tr">
- Add the translated name of the language to the dictionary at the top of
var names = {
"en-US": "English",
"fr": "Français",
"ja": "日本語",
"nl": "Nederlands",
"de": "Deutsch",
"es": "Español",
"sr": "Srpski",
"pt-BR": "Português",
"tr": "Türk"
- Copy
and rename it with the locale code being added. - Translate away!
- Translations of the FAQ are kept in markdown, and don't use l20n
- Copy to the translated markdown files folder, changing its name to
faq.<2 letter locale code>.md
- Translate away!