
jupyter-sparkmagic chart uses k8s APIs Removed In 1.16

Closed this issue · 4 comments

hynix commented

Cannot install jupyter-sparkmagic 1.0.0 chart on k8s 1.16+
Error occurred: no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1beta2"


Deprecated APIs Removed In 1.16: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2019/07/18/api-deprecations-in-1-16/

Thanks for reporting the issue.
1.0.0 charts are built for Spark v2.4.5- (which depends on fabric8 Java Kubernetes client 4.6.1 compatible with K8s API v1.15.3-). I'm preparing charts 2.0.0 for Spark 3.x, which are going to address such issues and extend the supported K8s API versions.

Going to be solved in #39 .

@jahstreet, have you decided not to support jupiter anymore? I see you released new versions for other charts, but jupiter-sparkmagic is missing.

@pdambrauskas , yeah, I've dropped it since spark-cluster contains the JupyterHub, in favour of which I would love to continue support. Also JupyterHub seems to be better alternative to standalone Jupyter on K8s.