
`v4.1.1` release

romainmenke opened this issue · 4 comments

trying something, suggestions for a better process are welcome.

This issue is intended to plan and summarise the contents of the next release.
It should make it easy for someone with access to npm to do the actual releasing.

  • prepare release notes
    • links to pull requests
    • links to issues
  • is it patch|minor|major version

First part is a description of the upcoming release and a todo list.
Second part is a draft for release notes.

@chee Who is best suited for follow up and npm released inside FT at the moment?

Next release :

Version : 4.1.1
Contains only fixes: patch

  • Serve IntersectionObserver to Safari <16 #1197 #1192
  • Fix incomplete implementations of ArrayBuffer in Internet Explorer #1190 #1132
  • #1188

Check for polyfill combination issues : https://github.com/romainmenke/polyfill-library/actions/runs/2655334451

-> Android 5 keeps failing in CI but this seems to be an upstream issue with Browserstack (most likely all runners are busy).
-> Previous runs yesterday did just pass.


  • Serve IntersectionObserver to Safari <16 #1197 #1192
  • Fix incomplete implementations of ArrayBuffer in Internet Explorer #1190 #1132
  • Fixes TypedArray.prototype.at to avoid adding at to Object.prototype #1188
chee commented

i think if we merge a PR with the release:patch label it should be automatically tagged and released to npm?

@chee that worked! Thank you for the hint.
4.1.1 was just released to npm 🎉

Thank you both so much!