
Safari 11.1 shouldn't polyfill `fetch`

Morozzzko opened this issue · 3 comments


Safari 11.1 shouldn't receive polyfill for fetch because it already has it


We can see that https://caniuse.com/?search=fetch says that Safari supports fetch since 10.1


I've checked it on Browserstack (Mac OS Monterey, Safari 11.1), and it indeed loads a polyfill:


even though the browser has it anyway


The fetch polyfill also includes patches for Request, Response and Headers.
Some of these are required up to Safari 12.1

mdn/browser-compat-data#2006 (comment)

This might be related, but I noticed IntersectionObserver being polyfilled in Safari on iOS 15, when it already exists. So there might be some feature detection issues in Safari in general.

@ffxsam That is because of this issue and is unrelated to fetch : #1192