
Update TZ data

PaulWoitaschek opened this issue · 4 comments

I have crashes because the TZ db of the backport project is outdated:


Is it possible to update the tz data regularly here instead?

No. This library is merely a re-packaging of the tzdb present in ThreeTenBP. Once it updates, this project can be updated.

Updating ThreeTenABP to use the latest ThreeTenBP should add support for America/Punta_Arenas.

The current ThreeTenABP and ThreeTenBp 1.3.3 use 2016j, America/Punta_Arenas was added in 2017a, and starting with 1.3.5 ThreeTenBP uses 2017b.

I also have crashes because of Unknown time-zone ID: America/Punta_Arenas. A new release of ThreeTenABP using the latest ThreeTenBP would be really helpful!