
Auto replace default arguments

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Can you replace default argument on call some function? Like this:


plugins {
    // other plugins
// configuring auto replacer of default argument
autoApply {
    // select class and method
    to("com.foo.bar.Logger.info") {
        // mapping what pass to arguments
        mapLineToArgument(argumentName = "line")
        mapFileToArgument(argumentName = "file")
// other code


package com.foo.bar

object Logger {
    fun info(msg:String, file:String = "", line:Int = 0) {
        println("$file:$line: $msg")

and then try to use logger:

fun main(){
    Logger.info("Hello world") // default values of "file" and "line" will be replaced by your plugin according ruls in build.gradle.kts file

This is #20 and almost certainly will never be supported by this plugin because of the problems described in that issue.

@JakeWharton you are not right. My version is easier to implement. And it work even you not apply plugin

Well you are free to implement it in a fork or separate plugin then. I will not be pursuing it.