
Lint error "timber.lint.TimberIssueRegistry"

CoolMind opened this issue · 2 comments

When run gradlew lint >C:\Projects\log\1.log I often don't get a full log of Lint warnings, especially deprecations. At the end Terminal writes:

timber.lint.TimberIssueRegistry in C:\Users\user.gradle\caches\transforms-3\0fe9696a9dd12ec3b60730628c8b89bd\transformed\jetified-timber-4.7.1\jars\lint.jar does not specify a vendor; see IssueRegistry#vendor

Can Timber affect Lint log? I got more errors from Timber before, but later added some settings.

lintOptions {
    // if true, stop the gradle build if errors are found
    isAbortOnError = false
    // if true, show all locations for an error, do not truncate lists, etc.
    isShowAll = true
    xmlReport = false
    htmlReport = false
    isCheckDependencies = true
    isCheckAllWarnings = true
    disable("LogNotTimber", "StringFormatInTimber", "ThrowableNotAtBeginning", "BinaryOperationInTimber", "TimberArgCount", "TimberArgTypes", "TimberTagLength", "TimberExceptionLogging")

Currently have these dependencies:


Have multimodule architecture, Dagger. Currect version of Android Studio is Arctic Fox.


Changed AGP to 7.0.1 and updated Arctic Fox, but the Timber error retained. After updating Arctic Fox Lint printed deprecation warnings to a log file.

Update Timber to 5.0.1

@JakeWharton Thanks, it helped.