
๐Ÿ˜‡ Iโ€™d like to add this to the ReadMe Documentation.

JosephRidge opened this issue ยท 0 comments

I added more details on the existing ReadMe file , focusing on setting up Timber once the dependencies have been downloaded.

Step 1 : Create an Application class that inherrits from Application class .

open class MyProjectApplication : Application() {

Step 2 : import the application package

import android.app.Application

Step 3 : override the onCreate() method and initialize the Timber class

override the onCreate() method in your Application class

open class MyProjectApplication : Application() {
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
      Timber.plant(new DebugTree());
    } else {
      Timber.plant(new CrashReportingTree());

Step 4 : Define it in your Android Manifest , Application tag

In your application tag, add it as a name attribute :

      .... >

There was no clear set up process after setting up the dependencies .