
Unable to upload video file formats

CamilleBeaute opened this issue · 4 comments

I am currently using AjaxUpload in conjunction with a Formit form. Below is the Formit snippet call:

    &emailSubject=`Email Subject`
    &successMessage=`Success Message`

Below is the AjaxUpload call within the form:


Two other forms on my site that contain video upload fields are also no longer working, however they were working several months ago.

Hi - just an update. I was able to successfully upload a video which gets saved in the correct folder within the filesystem, however, the form submission success message no longer appears and the notification email is no longer sent.

When submitting the form, the following now gets appended onto the URL:


Jako commented

The url property ?updpsuccess=1 is created by UpdateProfile. Do you have multiple forms on the page? Then you have to be sure to handle each form separate. FormIt and Login have to use different &submitVar properties. If this is the case, you have to check if both forms use valid html and the form tags are closed for both forms.

Hi - No I do not have multiple forms on the page, this is the only one.

Jako commented

Then I don't understand, why ?updpsuccess=1 is appended to the URL. This is not possible with the code of AjaxUpload: https://github.com/Jako/AjaxUpload/search?q=updpsuccess

The spam hook does this neither: https://github.com/Sterc/FormIt/blob/develop/core/components/formit/src/FormIt/Hook/Spam.php

Can you disable the spam hook for a test. Maybe that one is misbehaving.