
roll/pitch/yaw Spacemouse Wireless

huggare opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear Jakub,
Thank you for your great contribution!

I had some issues when I changed from USB to wireless Spacemouse, but I found the solution here (the byte-array issue that was solved here) I dont think it is implemented in the current version that is downloaded from PyPi however.

My next issue is the fact that rotation doesnt show any reaction ( roll, pitch, yaw). I'm testing on a beaglebone blue running some new debian release. I tried to change channels in the pyspacemouse.py similar to the wired versions, but no change there...

When I connect the device, i get 5 HID devices popping up..

Best regards

Hello again!
I got help and we managed to find the issue:

From row 204:
if self.connected:
# read seven bytes from SpaceMouse
ret = self.device.read(7)

This "7" needs to be a variable depending on if you have wireless or not, but i changed it to a hardcoded 13.

Hi Viktor,

thank you for report. Could you please create a pull request fixing your problem. I didn't have wireless 3D mouse to simulate your situation.

Best regards