
Change text in 'Hra'

Closed this issue · 3 comments

EXAMPLE IN ENGLISH (with paragraph spacing):
Welcome to the acoustic memory game Match-Match Animal Individuals!

After clicking on a card you will hear a call from an individual animal. Your task is to match a pair of cards with the same acoustic signature and hence belonging to the same individual. Match individuals of Little owls and one of our four fictional owl species. [MAYBE ALL THIS INFORMATION COULD BE MOVED TO POPUP WITH CONSENT WITH RESEARCH?]

Choose your game: Little owl, Sleepy UFO Owl, Drunken UFO Owl, Common UFO owl, Lazy UFO Owl

In this game, you will hear the calls of:

Drunken UFO Owl (Bold, bigger font and center above cards)

Witaj w akustycznej grze pamięciowej Dopasuj osobniki zwierząt!
Po kliknięciu na kartę usłyszysz głos osobnika danego gatunku zwierzęcia. Twoim zadaniem jest połączyć pary kart z podobnymi głosami należące do tego samego osobnika. Połącz osobników pójdźky i cztyrech wymyślonych gatunkow sów w razem peciu wariantach gry.

Wybierz grę: Pójdźka, Pijana UFO sowa, Śpiąca UFO sowa, Zwyczajna UFO sowa, Leniwa UFO Sowa

W tej grze usłyszysz głosy gatunku:

Śpiąca UFO sowa (Bold, bigger font and center above cards)

Vítej v akustickém pexesu "Match-Match Animal Individuals!"
Po kliknutí na kartu uslyšíš hlas jedince daného druhu. Tvým úkolem je najít dvě karty s podobným hlasem, které patří tomu samému jedinci. Spáruj jedince u sýčka obecného a čtyř dalších vymyšlených druhů sov celkem 5 variantách hry.

Vyber hru: Sýček obecný, UFO sova opilá, UFO sova usínající, UFO sova obecná, UFO sova lenivá

V této hře uslyšíš hlasy tohoto druhu:

UFO sova lenivá (Bold, bigger font and center above cards)

What is the goal of centering species name and placing it above cards? It doesn't look nice:

It looks good! Keep it. It belongs to game plan not to description text and it makes the game variant more apparent on first sight.

Then In this game, you will hear the calls of: text doesn't make sense. Bold game variant seems to be apparent enough. First check new version and reconsider it please :). It might be quite complex to implement "centering" for the responsive layout (e.g. mobile vs. desktop screen size) -> moving to it's own issue.