Systems Research at Microsoft Azure Research | CS PhD at UIUC
Microsoft Azure Research @microsoftChampaign, Illinois
Pinned Repositories
Introduction to Machine Learning Systems
This repository contains a simple Hadoop-like (MapReduce) distributed computing platform implemented in Java. It is extended from a course project at UIUC awarded the best Java version implementation and it's open-sourced for reference.
Website for our final year project - FRING: FAST BLOCKCHAIN ON SGX-FACILITATED PEER-TO-PEER NETWORK; Project FRing includes a new peer-to-peer network protocol that improves communication performance among peers and an implementation of fast, consistent blockchain system on top of this P2P network.
This is my (old) personal website using bootstrap. Free to clone and use as your website template :-) New homepage:
Efficient Interactive LLM Serving with Proxy Model-based Sequence Length Prediction | A tiny model can tell you the verbosity of an LLM (with low latency!)
Othello game (versus computer AI agent) implemented in Python. Try to see whether you can beat it!
This is a image matching system for scalable and efficient matching of images from a large database. The basic idea is to compute perceptural hash value for each image and compare the similarity based on the pHash computed. Searching are scalable with the elasticsearch as the backend database.
Several simple compilers/interpreters implemented in C/C++ or Haskell, e.g. music notation compiler (simple music notation to abc notation), several compilers for toy programming languages, and an interpreter for a JavaScript-like programming language.
Final Year Project @HKU Department of Computer Science | HGFRR includes a new peer-to-peer network protocol that improves communication efficiency and security among peers, and an implementation of a fast, secure blockchain system on top of this P2P network.
This repository consists of useful tools or guides for system software development or anything interesting.
James-QiuHaoran's Repositories
Othello game (versus computer AI agent) implemented in Python. Try to see whether you can beat it!
This is a game project built on java. RMI is used to support the communication between the server and clients. Login, registration and logout function is provided through RMI. JMS is used to support other message delivering and communication between clients and the server. It is asynchronous and safer. JDBC and MySQL is used to build the game database. The game logic is as usual 24-games.
Codes of C++ & OpenCV This repository consists of a bunch of OpenCV programs written in C++, which includes Image Processing, Video I/O, Object Detection by MSE, Cascade Classifier and so on.
[BigTwo game written in Java] This repository is actually the version 2.0 of BigTwo. You can play the poker game with your friends now!
This project is actually a pre-project prepared for building the game called "Joker 24". In this project, I use RMI to handle remote procedure calls. The clients can use interfaces built in the server if they get connection with the server. The whole project is based on Java.
A simple single-page social chat application using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.JS, AngularJS, and Node.js).
A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know
A poker game designed by Java.
MCM 2017 Team #71053 (Latex Version)
This project is about selfdriving-vehicle, consisting of object detection, geometry (overlap detection) and event decision (driving behavior analysis).
A list of back-end related questions you can be inspired from to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
🤓 Build your own (insert technology here)
Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
This repository is constituted with corresponding codes in C++ to "Introduction to Algorithms".
All Algorithms implemented in Python
Distributed systems infrastructure used by Riak.