Three.js Starter Template

A Three.js starter template that helps you group your code better and hides the boilerplate clutter away from your main file. This template does not cover all scenarios or usages of Three.js, and is still under development. Feel free to fork it or raise pull requests!

Repo cover image The sample scene used by this boilerplate

Features of this template

  • Does all the usual Three.js setup code for you so you can focus on your own scene and objects
  • Uses async/await for texture/images loading such that the scene unveils only after all images are loaded
  • Uses Parcel with minimal configurations so you don't need to care about setting up the bundler

Package versions

  • dat.gui: ^0.7.9
  • three: 0.145.0
  • parcel: ^2.7.0

How to run locally

  1. npm i
  2. make dev