
Race condition between stopListening() and command handling on Chrome Mobile

korneliuszw opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using this library to create voice navigation for my app (v3.10.0 from npm). So far it is great.
However, I encountered a race condition when using stopListening() with continuous mode on Chrome Android.
I have a command called "stop" which stops voice recognition using SpeechRecognition.stopListening() (abortListening doesn't help). During this stopListening() call, an onend is called from SpeechRecognition API (because of chrome limitations) and resets listening. In result, despite calling stopListening(), the recognition is still working.

Reproduction (say stop right after start):

Workaround for this issue

const recognition = SpeechRecognition.getRecognition()
if (recognition) recognition.continuous = false