
AVRCPAgent crash on El Capitan

ev0rtex opened this issue · 3 comments

I have tried several times to get this to run now that I've upgraded to 10.11 and simply cannot get it to work. I have run these commands repeatedly just in case there something left behind somewhere:

sudo ./install.sh uninstall old
sudo ./install.sh uninstall
sudo rm -r build
sudo ./install.sh install

After I connect my BT headphones and try pressing the play/pause button I get the following in my system log:

10/19/15 11:11:54.010 AM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.bths.AVRCPAgent[91875]) Service exited due to signal: Abort trap: 6
10/19/15 11:11:54.019 AM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.ReportCrash.Root[92017]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.ReportCrash.DirectoryService
10/19/15 11:11:54.740 AM ReportCrash[92017]: Saved crash report for AVRCPAgent[91875] version 1.0 (1) to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/AVRCPAgent_2015-10-19-111154_Shadow.crash

I am at my wits end on getting this to work again. Attached you will find the log mentioned above. You can find the above-mentioned crash report in this gist.

Run the uninstall again with sudo because you ran install with sudo
sudo ./install.sh uninstall
Then run install without sudo because it needs to execute some things as you.
./install.sh install
It may still ask for your password because it runs sudo commands inside of it. It's probably not a correct way to make an install script, but that's the way we have it.

Let me know how that goes.

Well...I actually did try that before but ran into an issue where it didn't actually install. Relevant build/install output when I run ./install.sh install as my user (after having run sudo ./install.sh uninstall):


cp: ./AVRCPAgent/PlugIns/BTHSControl.bundle/Contents/Info.plist: Permission denied
cp: ./AVRCPAgent/PlugIns/BTHSControl.bundle/Contents/MacOS/BTHSControl: Permission denied
cp: ./AVRCPAgent/PlugIns/BTHSControl.bundle/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings: Permission denied

I'm assuming at this point it's supposed to be copying everything to /Library/Services/. After those failed cp lines it doesn't actually have anything set up in /Library/Services/ like it does when run as root.

FYI, I solved my problems by deleting and cloning the repo again. I guess the permission issues were with those files it tried to copy rather than with anything on the system.