Pushed file asyncapi.html gets renamed to index.html
oliverunger opened this issue · 3 comments
Describe the bug
The file asyncapi.html I want to push gets renamed to index.html and overwrites the current index.html file.
I have the following workflow:
- name: Generating HTML from my AsyncAPI document
uses: docker://asyncapi/github-action-for-generator:2.1.12
template: '@asyncapi/html-template@0.28.4'
filepath: api/src/main/resources/docs/api/my_asyncapi.yml
outFilename: asyncapi.html
parameters: singleFile=true
output: pages
- name: Deploy GH page
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4
token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
folder: pages
clean: false
The first action creates a file named asyncapi.html.
When the "Deploy GH page" is triggered, it renames this file to index.html and pushes it to the gh-branch.
New file asyncapi.html gets added. Other files already on that branch stay as they are.
Are you sure the previous action run isn't modifying this file name for you? I ask this because there's nothing in the deployment code that should cause any sort of file modification other than moving everything from one location to another.
Perhaps try running the first step, and then running ls
in the directory it generates the file in: ls pages
Thank you for that hint. You are totally right.
outFilename: asyncapi.html
has to go into the parameters like so:
parameters: singleFile=true outFilename=asyncapi.html
Now it has the right name: asyncapi.html
my fault