
Editor to render the get forward direction of Game Object.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Logical next step after #212 (Add get forward direction method )

Add a direction arrow indicator (public Vector3 getForwardDirection(Vector3 out) in SimpleNode.java in commons) to the Game Object on the editor.

Option to have this render on/off in Tools > Debug Render Options. (or should it be always on? Opinions?)


Arrow should be red. Arrow should extend out of the GameObject's Bounding Box so user can see it clearly.

@JamesTKhan, I seem to remember a picture of your boat showing the direction arrow. Maybe attach that image so we can visualize what is being asked here?

Is your intent to have the facing arrow showing for all game objects or only the currently selected object? Or would you like to have checkboxes for both conditions?

Interesting question. So usually games (at least my games) have only a few moving GameObjects and the rest are static ones.

So my opinion is only the selected GameObject.

Also the having the arrows show for all parent child/children nodes will get messy, so the more I think about it, I think you should definitely show the arrow only for the selected GameObject.

Yes it would be a visual mess displaying for all objects at once

This is working well enough to be useful now.
2023-08-24 16_22_03-Window