
Editor crash when import texture from assets directory

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
If you try to import a texture that is already placed inside the assets directory of your project the editor will crash.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Copy an image into the assets directory of your project
  2. Try to import it
  3. The editor crashes and wont open back up
  4. Manually deleting the image and the corresponding .meta file allows the editor to start again

I don't know if other kinds of assets are also affected.

Thanks for reporting. I thought we caught this in code but maybe not. I'm guessing it's throwing a asset already exists exception

I'm guessing it's throwing a asset already exists exception

I think assets that are already imported are not an issue. But when you copy a new asset into the assets folder and then try to import it things go wrong.
This could easily happen when a user copies a bunch of files they will be using ahead of time (this is how i found the bug).

Closed, PR merged.